small business tax services mississauga

Want to save from tax accounts? Are you looking for a reliable firm to help you file business deduction returns? Numeracy accounting stands for providing the best solution for the small business tax services in Mississauga, Canada. Whether you’re a sole proprietor or owner of a small business, we have always got your back.

Our digital services provide smooth-running tax filing processes in the current digital era. This advantage makes tax filing faster and easier and reflects the accuracy and simplicity of your financial records.

Numeracy Accounting Solution provides support through services to small businesses and self-employed individuals. We understand the unique challenges you may face in the business world; we deliver our services to meet your needs. This helps in making the business tax process easier and smoother for you.

Write-off Almost Everything, Legally!

For over 10 years Numeracy Accounting Solutions has helped file business returns for many of it’s clients and helped them saves tons in taxes with our small business tax accountants near Mississauga. Whether you are running your business as a sole proprietor, partnership, Corporation or not-for-profit, we got you covered.

Give you customized tax plan to help you save

Our business tax service experts ensure to provide customized tax plans so that we can help you save tons from personal tax. We review your current situation, help you identify specific deductions, and provide the best tax strategies for your business accounts.

Answer your questions promptly throughout the year

Our business tax services answer all your queries with the most updated information. We offer personalized advice or make you understand the difficulties faced during every tax year’s regulations.

Prepare and file your return accurately and on time

We are dedicated to preparing and filing your returns at Numeracy Accounting Solutions. We ensure that it’s accurate and is submitted on time. Our experienced professionals understand the difficulties of tax regulations and are committed to maximizing your eligible deductions and credits.

What can we do for you

Our services

Numeracy accounting solutions: We provide tailor-made services for your business taxes to meet the needs of our clients’ businesses in Mississauga, Canada. These are:

Self-Employed T2125 Returns

Are you a self-employed individual? Need to prepare for returns on your own? Our business tax service experts specialize in T2125 returns. Our team of small business tax accountants in Mississauga ensures you accurately report income, expenses, and deductions. This will help to improve your tax position.

Small Businesses and Self Employed
Numeracy Accounting Solutions

Corporate T2 Returns

Handling the complicated corporate tax is crucial, but no worries. At Numeracy Accounting Solutions, we take your corporation’s income tax return (T2 returns) with the latest tax laws to maximize tax efficiency.

HST Filings

Our team also manages the businesses’ harmonized sales tax (HST) filing. We make sure that your filing is submitted on time and accurately. With our service, you can decrease the chances of penalties in your business taxes.

Numeracy Accounting Solutions
Numeracy Accounting Solutions

Payroll and Source Deductions

Payrolls play a vital role in the structure of business. We handle your source deductions, including in payroll service, with regulatory requirements.

WSIB Filings

The Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB) can be challenging. We provide services to assist you in filing to maintain a safe working environment.

Workplace Safety and Insurance Board (WSIB)
Financial Data

Accurate financial data is the key foundation of any business. Our experts ensure that your records are updated, error-free, and accurate.

The core of our service is providing strategic tax plans. We work closely with the employees to observe the current scenario and situation and then develop strategies accordingly. We provide the best to maximize the profit and minimize the loss.

Corporation Income Tax Return
Numeracy Accounting Solutions

T3, T4, T4A and T5 Summaries

Our business tax services team provides reporting services for many forms, like T3, T4, T4A, and T5.

Our T3 experts ensure that all your income and deductions are accurately summarized, especially for those involved in trust.

Looking for pension income, self-employment income, or other sources, T4A ensures reporting services for various income types.

Any business can rely on our service while preparing for T4 forms. We analyze employee income, deductions, and other relevant information.

Investors and individuals receiving dividends trust, at numeracy accounting, our T5 services tend to summarize dividend income accurately to help them meet tax obligations.

The Benefits of our Business Tax Service for your Firms

As a local firm, we mainly provide individual and business approaches to each client. Our primary goal is to invest time to customize plans according to your needs and determine how to serve you best. We know clients’ dates, notifying you before your tax return filing deadline in advance. Apart from this, we also help you with HST GST, QST, or payroll deduction payments.

Regarding Business Taxes in Canada, our expert team at Numeracy Accounting Solution is a knowledgeable and experienced firm. We specialize in helping small businesses and self-employed individuals meet their tax hurdles efficiently.

Contact the CRA

We understand that dealing with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) can be complex and tiring. Our experts are here to take you out of this uneven situation. Whether you want to inquire about tax or resolve any issue, we are here to provide you with the best solutions. At Numeracy Accounting Solutions, you can entirely focus on prioritizing your business while entrusting your CRA-related concerns to our hands.

Contact us to discover how our experts deal with the CRAs for your growing business.

Download Our Expense Spreadsheet for your business to make sure you never forget to claim anything ever again!


Provinces and territories in Canada are subject to two different rates of taxable income – the lower rate and the higher rate. This is in addition to the federal tax rate of 9% for small businesses or 15% for general corporation tax.

For 2022, the combined federal and provincial corporate tax rate on general active business income ranges between 23% and 31%, depending on the province or territory.

Income Taxes, Sales Tax, Property Taxes, and Social Security Contributions.

Personal income tax is a type of income tax that is levied on an individual’s wages, salaries, and other types of income. Business income taxes apply to corporations, partnerships, small businesses, and people who are self-employed.

Yes ,businss tax income is refundable,to have more insight on this, get in touch with us.

Every province and territory allows a corporation to claim a foreign tax credit for taxes it paid to another country on foreign non-business income. This credit reduces the provincial tax otherwise payable.