disability tax credit in Mississauga

70% of Canadians are not aware they are eligible for disability tax benefits.

The Government of Canada, with the help of the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), offers various tax refunds and benefits for individuals with disability. These benefits are provided for Canadians with many different types of health issues. Numeracy accounting solutions are here to guide you throughout the process of disability tax credit in Mississauga, helping you with every single step. We offer a free assessment. We present your case to the Canada Revenue Agency. Most importantly, we do our best to provide any possible chance of being approved.

Numeracy Accounting Solutions

We can help you get a tax benefit of up to $40,000 under the Canada Revenue Agency’s Disability Tax Credit Program

The Disability Tax Credit is one of several credits that are offered by Canada Revenue Agency. Yet, many Canadian’s are not aware of the disability tax credit and the benefits it provides. The overall process is fairly simple and once completed, individuals can receive thousands of dollars in returns from Canada Revenue Agency to offset their medical costs.

Who is eligible for DTC?

Conditions can include:

If anyone from your family, including those suffering from any of these diseases, is likely to claim the disability tax credit (DTC).
Our Disability Tax Credit Service helps you get a benefit of up to $40000 under the Canada Revenue Agency’s Disability Tax Credit Program. If you are a person with a disability or you’re supporting someone who is dealing with it, you may be able to claim this benefit on your income tax.

Many people are not aware of this tax credit and don’t realize that they are losing out on a lot of money. See if you qualify by submitting your information.

Fill out the disability tax credit application form now!

Apart from this, you can also benefit from the deductions and tax credits which are listed below:

Our team of experts helps in providing complete assistance with tax returns, ensuring you claim the Disability Tax Credit accurately and maximize your eligible benefits quickly.

You Are Likely Eligible!

The name, Disability Tax Credit, portrays an image where one might expect to be completely immobile in order to qualify for such a credit. Due to this most individuals don’t consider looking at the disability tax credit. 

Many people are not aware of this tax credit and don’t realize that they are losing out on a lot of money. See if you qualify by submitting your information.

What Are the Requirements?

Once your information is received, you will be taken through all the criteria that will confirm if you are an appropriate candidate. After you finish a simple questionnaire, our experts will handle your Disability Tax Credit application to get you back the money you deserve.

Numeracy Accounting Solutions

Which expenses can I claim for the Disability Tax Credit?

The overall process is fairly simple and once completed, individuals can receive thousands of dollars in returns from Canada Revenue Agency. In addition, if you have a child with a physical or mental impairment, you can claim the related costs. Those under the age of 18 who qualify for the credit also qualify for the Child Disability Benefit. Essentially, if you feel physically or mentally restricted from day-to-day activities, you may qualify for the Disability Tax Credit. Finally, you will be able to start claiming those expenses and getting hundreds, even thousands of dollars back on your tax return!

Guidance for the Disability Tax Credit

The Disability Tax Credit helps people by easing the financial burden for individuals facing severe and prolonged impairments. These can be either in physical or mental functions. To determine whether you are eligible for the DTC, it’s essential to understand the criteria set by the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA). Here comes numeracy accounting solutions to the rescue. Our team has a good knowledge of these requirements and can guide you through the process.

DTC Application Process

Preparing the DTC application form requires proper focus on all the details and a thorough understanding of the tax regulations. This requires you to consult a professional. But at Numeracy Accounting Solutions, our experienced professionals handle DTC applications very well. We ensure your submission is accurate and meets all CRA standards and criteria. We streamline the process, making it as smooth as possible for you.
We know the importance of how disabilities affect individuals and their families. Suppose you have a supporting family member who may be eligible for the Disability Tax Credit. We aim to ensure that every eligible family member receives the tax benefits they deserve.

Expert Guidance from Medical Practitioners

During the process of the DTC application, it often requires obtaining a certificate from a medical practitioner. But no worries. Our disability tax service provider can help you connect with trusted medical professionals who understand the criteria for eligibility. With our guidance, we ensure that your medical documentation meets the standards set by the CRA.

At Numeracy Accounting Solutions, we pride ourselves on being a dedicated partner in providing full access to Diabetes and disability Tax Credits services. Whether you are in Mississauga or anywhere else in Canada, our services are customized in such a way as to provide expert guidance and support throughout the DTC application process.

Many Canadians are still not aware of the disability tax credit and how much will they get as the benefits from it. The whole process is simple and once completed, individuals can receive thousands of dollars in returns from CRRA to manage their medical costs.

If you or any of your loved ones suffer from any mental or physical condition in comparison to the average individual, then you are likely to be qualified.

The Disability Amount for Your Tax Return

Claiming a Disability Tax Credit, but afraid to claim the credits to maximize it? Working with professionals makes you eligible for the DTC, and you can claim the maximum credit.
When you claim a Disability Tax Credit, it can result in a decrease in your income tax liability. The non-refundable tax credit amount primarily focuses on providing financial relief for those with impairment or disability.
Contact our consultants to maximize your tax benefits through our disability tax credit service by Numeracy Accounting Solutions. Our experts are here to help you through the whole process and help you receive the support you deserve.


The amount of this federal tax credit is $8,870 for 2022 ($8,662 for 2021), with a supplement of $5,174 for 2022 ($5,053 for 2021) for taxpayers under 18 years of age.

The maximum disability tax credit amount you can claim depends on the tax year and the age of the person with the disability.

The disability tax credit (DTC) is a non-refundable tax credit that helps people with impairments, or their supporting family member, reduce the amount of income tax they may have to pay.

If you have a severe and prolonged impairment, you may apply for the credit. If you are approved, you may claim the credit at tax time.

The DTC helps reduce the income tax that people with physical or mental impairments, or their supporting family members, may have to pay. 

If you were eligible for the DTC in past years but did not claim the disability amount, you may be able to claim it going back up to 10 years

Generally, you need 40 credits, 20 of which were earned in the last 10 years ending with the year your disability begins. However, younger workers may qualify with fewer credits.

What type of diseases qualify for Disability Tax Credit in Canada?

Slowed Walking. Knee/Hip Problems, Osteoarthritis, Poor Circulation, Foot Disorders.
Digestion Disorders. …
Limited Upper Body Mobility. …
Breathing Disorders. …
Hearing Impaired. …
Cognitive Issues

When completing the income tax return, either the person with the disability (if they have taxable income to be reduced to zero) or the supporting person can claim the credit.